February 11, 2025

Akoako – Influencing at a strategic level

Interested in joining our Akoako session on Influencing at a strategic level?

What is this Akoako about? 

This is a session for senior HR/OD specialists focusing on Influencing at a strategic level. We will discuss some challenging situations, have participants share their own thinking and strategies and we will contribute some of our own techniques.

We have run a number of these successfully already and the feedback has been great.

What have attendees been saying?

  • “It’s great to get to meet and work with others in our field experiencing similar challenges”
  • “We took away a number of insights from working with others on real life scenarios”
  • “It’s great to have a bit of time to take some time out for personal development”
  • “The free kete provided was really useful for us now and in the future”

The details

This (free) event will be kept to a small, less than 12 person group.  

Date: Thursday 20 March, afternoon session.

Interested in joining this event, email team@updraft.co for more information.

Whakamana te Tangata