
We coach, develop and work alongside leaders and teams to shift ideas on leadership and provide the skills and tools needed to grow teams.

Managing Up?

Managing Up?

Managing Up? What is it and why is it a double-edged sword?

I have occasionally described specific people I have worked with as ‘managing up’ well.

And when I refer to this skill, I’m generally not thinking positive things.

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Leadership 101. Seek genuine feedback.

Leadership 101. Seek genuine feedback.

“I’d like to share with you something I discovered by chance when I was teaching Leadership to managers across a range of sectors and businesses.

One day, in a programme I taught repeatedly, I decided to ask a series of questions related to receiving Feedback and see what happened.”

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Stop the blame game being played in your team

Stop the blame game being played in your team

We know that for teams to maximise the potential of their diversity, they need to regularly use techniques like perspective getting, encouraging contribution, group brainstorming and collaborative problem solving. But none of those practices works particularly well without high levels of psychological safety.

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Do You Experience FEEDBACK FEAR?

Do You Experience FEEDBACK FEAR?

If you dread these words… ‘Can I give you some Feedback?’ you are perfectly normal not super sensitive. Most of us are at least somewhat fearful of getting Feedback.

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Do you like to be appreciated?

Do you like to be appreciated?

OK, I’m going to start this off by saying ‘I do!’
I like positive feedback. I like to know that my work or my relationships add value to others. That doesn’t mean I only want positive feedback, but it really helps to know that (and why) I am appreciated.
And I think all people find that genuine appreciation motivating, (even if at times little embarrasing).

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Too much feedback is just a bad thing

Too much feedback is just a bad thing

I am a leadership coach.

As part of setting up a new coaching relationship, I often have a set-up meeting with the coachee and their manager. During this ‘three-way’ meeting I ask the manager to outline what they would like their direct report to use the coaching to focus on.

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How did it go?   Debriefing – one of our best coaching moments.

How did it go? Debriefing – one of our best coaching moments.

“That went well! – I bet we’ll hear from them today!” two reps celebrate as they ride a lift down from a prospective customer’s office.

A manager challenges one of her colleagues: “I’m not sure what happened there. I think she may have taken your comments as a bit blunt. I’ll speak with her and let you know. ”

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Are you a micromanager?  Perhaps it’s time to find out!

Are you a micromanager?  Perhaps it’s time to find out!

Answer: It depends how often you engage, what you talk about, and how much directing you do with your people.

Precaution: I have never met a person that agreed they were a micromanager, that didn’t also rationalise what they were doing as being a good thing for several, or many reasons. Most micromanagers do what they do with the best of intentions.

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How Good Is Your Team At Solving Problems?

How Good Is Your Team At Solving Problems?

Teams often miss the opportunity to genuinely collaborate because they enter into discussions without clarity of what the discussion is for and how the discussion should proceed to get the most from the time together.

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Getting Value From Your Recent Team Day

Getting Value From Your Recent Team Day

Like most of us, you will be really busy just coping with your daily mountain of work.Of course, when you hear an idea that can help you improve how you tackle that work, you take notice and maybe get inspired.

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