Leading & Building Teams

We coach, develop and work alongside leaders and teams to shift ideas on leadership and provide the skills and tools needed to grow teams.

3 Ways to Assess Your Team’s Potential

3 Ways to Assess Your Team’s Potential

There is a lot written on what makes teams successful – just Google it –  it makes for some interesting reading. There are certainly a lot of skilled practitioners out there doing good work who have strong advice about what helps. However, research showing causality between a specific factor or condition and high or improved performance is harder to find.

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What to do with team time?

What to do with team time?

Heading to a Neuroleadership Summit in New York (for the second year in a row) felt a little hard to justify.  But there is nothing quite like it for experiencing the zeitgeist of a fairly progressive segment of corporate America.   With Harvard Professor Amy Edmondson’s book “Teaming” promptly sold out, and standing room only at the “Neuroscience of Effective Teams” even David Rock expressed surprise at the level of interest in team.

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Groupthink – how to manage it

Groupthink – how to manage it

One of the reasons collaboration is highly desired is because as our world gets increasingly complex, there is significant benefit in bringing diverse thoughts and perspectives to difficult issues.  But here is the problem…

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What Makes Great Teams

What Makes Great Teams

Our search for the truth about what makes great teams has led us to do a review of the research and read stacks of books written by academics and team experts proclaiming they have the answer. It’s a bit like a search for the holy grail. There is a different model and list of key factors at every turn.

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Sprinting to Level Eight

Sprinting to Level Eight

Our framework has eight distinct levels of engagement and performance. In the lower levels the team is under performing in one or more areas and may in fact be dysfunctional. Teams of this kind are more likely not real teams and probably need troubleshooting and special strategies for lifting up.

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