Ki uta ki tai
The journey of becoming the leader you want to be
We coach, develop and work alongside leaders and teams to provide the skills and tools needed to grow teams
A transformative leadership journey inspired by the ancient navigators who used the stars to guide their way.
Like the four stars that make up Mahutonga, the Southern cross, Ki Uta Ki Tai has four immersive wānanga, where we explore powerful mindsets, tools, and practices to energise your people’s leadership.
By fostering a culture of contribution and belonging, Ki uta ki tai empowers your leaders to achieve meaningful impact together.
Join us to navigate a leadership journey with purpose and confidence.
Why invest separately in leadership development and cultural capability development when Ki uta ki tai weaves them both together
Manaakitanga – encouraging others to embrace their mana (and in so doing, leaders embrace their own)
Hūmārietanga – the humility to lead in a way that empowers the people they lead and is conscious of the long shadow a leader can cast
Whanaungatanga – the environment and relationships they create in their team is fundamental to others being willing to be led and coached by them
Rangatiratanga – weaving their team together so they are aligned in pursuit of a common purpose enables two-way support of each other to overcome challenges
What to expect
Get ready for a highly engaging experience with plenty of discussion led by our expert coach-facilitators.
The programme runs over 6-8 weeks and wraps up with a learning application and refresh session to review and reflect on your progress. You can choose between in-person or live online Teams workshops held every two weeks. Here’s what’s included:
Choice of live online (four half-day workshops) or in-person + live online delivery (one full-day workshop + two half-day workshops)
Learn from contemporary thought leaders who share their insights
Engage with modules that include readings, reflection exercises
Receive ongoing support during and after the programme to enhance your leadership skills
Program duration spans 8-12 weeks
Learning mentor of participants
Invitation to support their learner with their own instructional materials and coaching
Targeted support designed to embed learning effectively
Programme Overview

“I thoroughly recommend this programme to leaders and kaimahi aspiring to lead. The fusion of Māori leadership tika, pono and aroha with western leadership principles and practices is inspiring.
Previous Participant
This program is co-created and co-delivered by two experienced practitioners and facilitators.

Reremoana Ormsby
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Horouta te waka
Ko te Whanau-ā-Ruataupare te hapū
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi
Reremoana is a te reo Māori first-language speaker who brings a wealth of knowledge of Te Ao Māori, tikanga and storytelling to her approach to facilitation. With a varied career path so far, Reremoana is a warm and engaging speaker and a highly capable coach who brings an authentic Māori lens and kaupapa to this programme.

Belinda Byrant
Originally from Te Kauwhata in North Waikato, Belinda was working as a solicitor in Singapore when someone invited her to join their organisation as a coach and facilitator. She now says she felt like this transition was probably always inevitable – although it came as something of a surprise at the time. A key driver for Belinda is making a contribution to the future success of New Zealand so her children choose to have their children here.