Ko Jenny Miller tōku ingoa.
Thanks for taking time to read my profile as you consider coaching for yourself or a member of your team.
I encourage you to consider and meet with several coaches before deciding who to work with, as in my experience as a coach and being coached, there are two important factors to consider:
- Are you ready for coaching now? I’m assuming the answer is yes as you are reading my coaching profile.
- Does this coach feel like a good fit for me to work with? The relationship with your coach is critical as this is a personal experience and one that you need to feel safe in from the beginning.
I’ll share more about my approach to coaching and invite you to meet with me to ask any more questions you have to help you with your selection.
I started my coaching informally through my leadership roles both corporate and voluntary. The joy and value I experienced from coaching led me to formalise my coaching capability and I started coaching professionally in 2004.
I describe myself as a change practitioner.
I intentionally chose the word practitioner as while I understand and am curious about how humans change, I focus on the application of that knowledge in context.
At the heart of being a practitioner is acting, experimenting, observing, interpreting, reflecting and learning all in support of developing the next action. I like to bring theory to life through practical experience.
These things are all essential in coaching as making changes to our leadership practice require action through experimentation, time for reflection and insights, and space to generate new ideas and commit to them.
I bring a combination of my experience as a senior leader, my coaching and facilitation skills to my practice.
I bring together a combination of theory and practical experience to support my coaching engagements. This is underpinned by a belief that every individual is able to solve their dilemma or take the next step in their development, if they have the right conditions and a desire to make progress.
I enjoy coaching in person or using video tools, so am able to coach people in any location.
Born in Wellington I can definitely say my maunga is Mount Victoria. I have not been far from it for long.
I was brought up in a whanau that was immersed in their local community with my parents role modelling voluntary work and it was usual for us to be cooking, setting up or tidying up from various events. This sowed a seed in me that saw me becoming one of the youngest elected leaders to the Girls’ Brigade New Zealand national body at 21.
Aside from my corporate work, I ran a retail business with my husband and brother, for 14 years and learnt what it’s like to have your name above the door.
Geoff and I have a teenage son who teaches us loads every day. We enjoy walking in the Wellington region, our garden, good food and wine and have learnt to slow down a lot since being in business and working more hours than is sensible. Our other passion is travel which has been curtailed since 2020 and so we enjoy planning future adventures.
I’d be delighted to meet you and see if we are a fit.
Mauri ora
Jenny Miller