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Toby Cooper

Ko Matairangi te maunga te rū nei taku ngākau
Ko Raukawa te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara
Ko whenua o tāku whānau a Ingarangi me Ahitereira
Ko Pākehā te tāngata
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Te Whanganui a Tara e noho nei au
Ko Toby Cooper au

Tēnā tātou katoa,

What gives me energy and when I am at my best is when I am helping others improve their working lives. Working is hard – we are all too busy, juggling too many demands, and struggling to get rid of the clutter and focus on what really matters. As a coach, I want to help you with that – help you make sense of what’s going on around you, identify opportunities to make improvements, and discover a practical ‘better’ for you.

My work history is one of circumstance and discovery. My career has been a pattern of doing a job, getting to the point where I want something different, finding a new opportunity, and giving it a go. There hasn’t been a clean, planned, linear progression – it’s been a bit messy. And I’m thankful for that. Not every job has been better than the one before, but each one has taught me things, about myself and others.

I have worked in New Zealand and the UK, and I spent some years working from NZ for the Australian and Asian arms of two global companies. I have worked in private and public sector organisations, mostly in roles supporting others to ‘do their thing’.

There is no such thing as a universally ‘right’ coach – success in coaching is about the great stuff that can bubble up from the combination of two different people, with their own personalities and mindsets. If what you read about me sounds like it might work for you, let’s meet and talk it through.

My Whakapapa

I was born and raised in Wellington. Aside from a couple of years in London, I have lived in here all my life. I’m married with two young adult children and a mischievous dog. I live in Brooklyn, and I’ve lived in the southern suburbs for most of my life.

Along with the south coast, and Wellington’s cafes and second-hand book and music stores, my happy place is the eastern coast of the Coromandel. I’ve had holidays up there since I was about six years old, and I go back every year.

I look forward to speaking with you.
Ngā mihi nui.