July 9, 2024

Balancing Empathy and Accountability Webinar

As leaders we increasingly realise the importance of understanding what is going on for the people we lead and supporting them as whole people. Sometimes having empathy for the challenges they are experiencing can feel at odds with holding them accountable.

Belinda Bryant from Updraft talks to well known team and executive coach, Nicky Benson who has kindly agreed to share her considerable expertise in this area to discuss among other things:

  • How we can help people get to a place where they are able to hear what you are asking of them
  • How to avoid carrying accountability alone – the role of the team in accountability
  • Timing – how do you decide when to push and when to let someone be a while . .
  • What leaders need to be examining about themselves as they work through these situations

Our second webinar in this series Transitioning teams to new beginnings after change is on Thursday 25 July, 2pm – Register Here

Whakamana te Tangata