Registration A uniquely Aotearoa programme helping leaders instil their teams with feelings of purpose, belonging, inclusion and collaboration. First Name Surname Organisation(Required) Role Email(Required) Mobile Phone Number(Required)Programme Option(Required) Option 1: Leading Teams Programme $4,435+GST Manager's Name Manager's Email Discount code If you have been given a voucher or a discount please reference it here.Please select one of these payment options(Required) Send me an invoice Pay by credit/debit card Please provide us billing details. An invoice will be sent through to the email address provided.Invoice Recipient Email PO Number for invoice (if required) Billing Address City Postal Code To pay by credit Please follow the simple payment portal below to purchase. Billing DetailsTotal Payment Details(Required)Card Details Cardholder Name Terms and Conditions View the terms and conditions here. T&Cs(Required) I accept the Terms and Conditions CAPTCHA