April 9, 2024

Strategic Influencing Webinar

Strategic Influencing – How to engage to make progress on things that matter

Belinda Bryant has spent many years teaching people ‘influencing skills’. Consequently she has given more thought than most to the contexts where the ‘rubber hits the road’ in influencing terms.

So often we head to meetings ready to tell people what we know that they need to know – and then at some point during or after the meeting realise that our objective shouldn’t have been simply to impart information. Rather we needed to:

· Get someone in particular to give enough priority to whatever we were talking about to do what we need them to do

· Get people to really engage with what we are saying – and think deeply enough about it – to see things in a new way

· Overcome some unspoken resistance to our proposal

· Arm people with the motivation and knowledge they need to go back and talk about what we are doing to their own constituencies.

In this webinar Belinda will arm you with some tools to help you think about what strategic influencing means, spot the influencing need before the meeting/conversation or communication and then take an approach that is more likely to get you over your influencing hurdle.

Whakamana te Tangata